Earth: Earth magic is mostly used in a protective nature, Earth Armor is considered to be like body, anything that would affect body would be blocked by the Earth Armor. IE: Weapon blows and normal damaging spells. Earth Armor also protects against ALL physical carrier attacks. A carrier attack being a weapon that strikes with a abnormal call such as drain, death, poison, disease and is not called as a Spell Surge.
Lightning: Lightning magic is mostly used as an Offensive magic often stunning it's targets for a moment. It will keep opponents at bay, allowing you or your allies more time to hit them with sword or spell.
Fire: Fire magic is almost always used offensively. It has the ability to do the most damage for the least amount of cost and thus wielders of fire use its energy to burn down a opponent rather then protect themselves from harm.
Raw Magic
To throw raw mana it is simply put;
Life = I summon X Heal
Death = I summon X Harm
Lightning = I summon X Lightning
Earth = I summon X Earth
Ice = I summon X Ice
Fire = I summon X Fire
For every point of mana you throw it is equal to 10 points of effect. So if you choose to burn 5 mana you would do 50 effect.
You can learn spells in game and they allow you to “lock” your Mana at a hard or regular pulse of magic. They are much more efficient but you must lock your Mana to do them.
Incantations for spells;
Life - "With Life's Blessing I, X effect"
Death - "With Death's Embrace I, X effect"
Lightning - "With Storm's Fury I, X effect"
Earth - "With Earth's Strength I, X effect"
Ice - "With Winter's Cold I, X effect"
Fire - "With Fire's Rage I, X effect"
Physical Manifestation - For every 25 point of Mana dedicated to this skill, the User can throw 1 physical (element) an unlimited amount of times until the next wave.
Remem - Allows User to call a Remem on any spell that was shielded, resisted, phased, dodged or otherwise had a defense called against it. User must rest for 5 minutes to re-memorize your spell. And that is only good for that field of magic's spells.
Overcast - Allows User to immediately recast a spell that physically missed. No defenses can have been used against the spell. And that is only good for that field of magic's spells.
Storm - Allows User to plant their feet and cast the next spell as a Storm. Until User moves or does anything else besides throwing Storms (talking included) User can cast that particular spell at no Mana or component cost. This ends if User does anything else at all, or if User is forced to or accidentally moves. User cannot communicate, point, nor do anything except for throw that spell as a Storm. X effect Storm. And that is only good for the field of magic's spells.
Some may choose to specialize in a given element. By doing that, the player reduces the cost of that particular magic by 1 Build. But that comes at the cost of adding 1 build to the cost of all others and doubling the cost of the opposite element.