Small Weapon | Base 1 Damage |
One Handed Weapons | Base 5 Damage |
Thrown Weapon | Base 2 Damage |
Archery | Base 3 Damage |
Two Handed Edge | Base 10 Damage |
Shield | Allows User to wield a Shield |
Florentine | Allows User to Fight with two weapons |
Enrage | Target turns full attention on User for 5 seconds, or until User turns their back on the target |
Block | User is able to ignore the last normal weapon strike |
Disarm/Retain | User is able to disarm a target's weapon or retain their own weapon against a disarm |
Parry | User is able to ignore the last physical weapon strike |
Slay | 25 Slay damage per rank |
Shatter Item | User is able to break an item that the target is wearing or using |
Sever Limb | Target loses User specified Limb |
Eviscerate | A killing strike, brings target's body to -1 |
Riposte | User is able to turn any physical weapon strike back upon the attacker |
Calm | Target ignores User for 5 seconds |
Evade | User is able to avoid last normal weapon strike |
Disarm/Retain | User is able to disarm a target's weapon or retain their own weapon against a disarm |
Dodge | User is able to avoid last spell or weapon strike that hit, except AOE spells |
Assassinate | 50 Assassinate per rank |
Silence Strike | Renders the target unable to speak for 10 seconds |
Stun Limb | Target is unable to move User specified limb for 5 seconds |
Eviscerate | A killing strike, brings target's body to -1 |
Riposte | User is able to turn any physical weapon strike back upon the attacker |
Primary Magic | 5 Mana per package. Choose from Life, Death, Fire, Ice, Earth, Lightning |
Physical Manifestation | For every 25 points of Mana dedicated to this skill, a character can throw 1 physical (element) an unlimited amount of times until the next Wave |
Remem | Allows User to call a Remem on any spell that was shielded, resisted, phased, dodged or otherwise has a defense called against it. User must rest for 5 minutes to re-memorize the spell. |
Overcast | Allows User to immediately recast a spell that physically missed. No defenses can have been used against that spell. |
Storm | Allows User to plant their feet and cast the next spell as a Storm. Until User moves or does anything else besides throwing Storms (talking is included) User can cast that particular spell at no Mana or component cost. This ends if the User does anything else at all, or if the User is forced to or accidentally moves. User cannot communication, point, nor do anything except for throw that spell as a Storm. |
Smithing | 10 Smithing Production per rank. Used to make weapons, armor and other items |
Alchemy | 10 Alchemy Production per rank. Used to make poisons, gasses, and potions. |
Write Scroll | 10 Scroll Production per rank. Used to write scrolls from all schools of magic |
Create/Disarm Trap | 10 Traps Production per rank. Used to make traps of all kinds |
Research | 10 Research Points per rank. Used for learning things currently unknown to User, such as a spell or skill |
Medicine | 10 Medicine Production per rank. Used to make bandages and to perform first aid. |
Read and Write | +1 Language per rank |
Read Magic | Allows User to read scrolls |
Evaluate | Allows User to discern the value of an item |
Protective Slot | Allows a user to accept defensive spells onto themselves |
Teacher | Allows User to teach a skill |
Student | Allows User to keep a skill in memory |